Tag Archives: environment

The Grossly Uninformed

Social media.  You love it, you hate it.  What did everyone do before Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Myspace, Google+, LinkedIn, and every other social media platform available on the world wide web?  We talked face-to-face, picked up the phone to make a call, and actually had to buy stamps to send correspondence through the mail.  It was much more difficult to demonstrate social impairment when we didn’t have a keyboard and a captive audience.  It is easier than ever to find out what makes acquaintances tick, but I’m not sure this is a good thing.  I find myself scanning my news feed and shaking my head at least once a day and not in a good way.

Debates over topics in which people are obviously uniformed, pictures that are meant to “inspire” the masses but do the exact opposite, and videos that show people doing things that in 10 years they will realize were idiotic and not nearly as funny as they thought.  Welcome to Social Media.

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